A week ago I went through a hydrocelectimy. Which is the removal of a Hydrocele. The incision is redish and has white puss comming out once in a while. Is my incision infected?Infected cut after sugary?
Sounds like it to me.
Yes. Go back to the doctor.
Its normal for the cut to weep but go see your doctor and in the mean time clean it twice per day with rubbing alcohol.
It sounds as though it may be infected. Call you doctor and let him know what is happening, he may want you to come in and be see. Or he may just prescribe some antibiotics for you to take. Please don't wait to get seen, you don't want it to get worse than it already is.
Hope you feel better soon.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Infected cut after sugary?
Increase of Appetite?
I'm 27yrs old tis yr.. haven been doing much activities lately but keep feeling the emptiness in my stomach.. I get hungry very easily like every 3hrs.. I dun feel the 'satisfaction' inside me even when i finish a very heavy meal and continue to stuff myself with food. I only koe that I'm overstuffed when I started to vomit.. what's wrong wif me? Been ttc for some time though...Increase of Appetite?
You're eating too fast.
Slow down, chew your food 50 times each bite, give your body time to understand that it's full.
Or you could be pregnant.
i would go an see the doctor for some test, like check your sugar levels.or instead of food drink lot of water that fuls you up
If you're real concerned my first suggestion is talk this over with your physician, but my first gut reaction is you're suffering from depression, it's a very strange disorder and strikes young adults out of what they think no where. The not much activitity makes me think depression or just plain bored and we as children were conditioned to eat to make all things better, God Bless the doting mothers. Best advice, when you think food is what you want go for a walk or do something creative...But if it's not something you can change yourself..go to a doctor..your health in long run can suffer. TC
Incet bites at night?
I have recently been getting bit at night by I don't know what. I cleaned my room and changed my sheets and blankets. The bites are red and itch. Any idea what they are or what I can do to get rid of them?Incet bites at night?
how about spider bites?there may be a sac of spider eggs and they hatched.i had that one time ouch!!!!
Probably mosquito bites. You should get insect repellant and mosquito netting. Good luck!
Maybe they are incest bites. Yuck!
bed bugs
Look for blood on your sheets or the walls near your bed. Bed bugs are on the increase and won't go away by washing the bedding. If you are the only person in the house who is affected this is going to be what it is.
Check out this we site: http://www.uky.edu/ag/entomology/entfact...
In which part of the human body is the hyoid bone?
...In which part of the human body is the hyoid bone?
a bone in the human neck, and is the only bone in the skeleton not articulated to any other bone. It is supported by the muscles of the neck and in turn supports the root of the tongue.
The hyoid bone is shaped like a horseshoe, and is suspended from the tips of the styloid processes of the temporal bones by the stylohyoid ligaments.
near the adam's apple of throat..
The hyoid bone helps to support the tongue and serves as an attachment point for several muscles that help to elevate the larynx during swallowing and speech. The hyoid bone is unique in that it is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone. Instead, it is suspended above the larynx where it is anchored by ligaments to the styloid processes of the temporal bones of the skull.
its in your face helps hold your tongue look it up lots on and pics too
In the usa, if a street bum is shot and has a life-saving operation, do they bill him?
obviosuly the bum has no money or posessions to repay the hospital for the operation, so what happans now?In the usa, if a street bum is shot and has a life-saving operation, do they bill him?
The Hospital has monies available to pay the costs incurred by the indigent!
There is:
907 KAR 1:017. Hospital Indigent Care Assurance Program (HICAP).
There are safety net hospitals with a high market share of indigent care that represent a small share of hospital costs. There are also safety net hospitals with a high uncompensated care burden that make up a small share of the indigent served. Then there are those safety net hospitals that have a high market share of indigent care with a corresponding high degree of uncompensated care burden. Hospitals with low market share and low burden of indigent care are not classified as safety net hospitals.
They fill out a charity form and usually it just gets written off. So he doesnt have to pay. Or he gets billed and it goes into collections.
In the USA he wouldn't get surgery. He would die and the citizens would pay for his cremation!
In the usa they bill you for every thing and yes they do they make him apply for insurance in the hospital.MEDICAID OF COURSE.
Pls dont use the term BUM. welfare picks up the tab.. Some street people Are in rehab and trying to get there life back
No, they get charity Care
In the United States today, _____ percent of all deaths occur in hospitals?
95In the United States today, _____ percent of all deaths occur in hospitals?
i say...50
50...20% drive-by's
98 %.
In the past I ate and drank for a few times what passed from the x-ray in the bags I had when entering.?
shopping centers? Does that cause cancer or anythin?In the past I ate and drank for a few times what passed from the x-ray in the bags I had when entering.?
X-Rays do not affect your food at all. Don't worry about it.
Are we supposed to guess the question?
Although your question is ridiculously phrased and almost impossible to understand; I think I figured out what you are asking and No, if your food passes through the airline X-ray scanner it does not harm you or the food.
In terms of hydration, which is better for you, warm, or chilled water?
In terms of hydration, which is better for you, warm, or chilled water?
I don't think that the temp of the water matters as much for hydration, but ice water is better for helping boost your metabolism.
water is absorbed in the large intestine .
by that time , it's @ body temp. , soooooooo..
oh , and R , dear , tell us - which component in water does this imaginary boosting ? Hmmmm? Caffeine , maybe ?
too many snapple commercials , Love.
warm water is good but when it comes to tired body chilled water can relax it.
Cool water – not carbonated beverages or sports drinks – is the best fluid for keeping hydrated when it’s warm outside. Cool water is absorbed much more quickly than warm fluids and may help to cool off your overheated body. If you’re going to be away from home or outdoors, make sure you keep a bottle of water close by.
Cool water is best...Too cold can shock a "hot" system. Drinking freezing cold water too fast can cause what is called a vaso_vegal reaction where your body shuts itself down because it thinks you are in trouble.aka "brain freeze"..The vegas nerve runs parallel and behind your esophagus.. on the other hand.Too hot can raise your body temp. but not by much.
In how many years form now do you think we'll have to wear gas masks to breathe because of air pollution?
In how many years form now do you think we'll have to wear gas masks to breathe because of air pollution?
if this time will come i hope it comes in a year after i die..i don't want to be walking with a gas mask all day
It's not too far off that is the reason they are trying to find habitable planets and talking about colonizing the Moon and Mars.
you need to learn the facts air pollution is at an all time low so there is no danger of gas masks becoming a factor. I'd be more worried about being prepared for the next ice age. global warming is a false as well start reading the science journals for the truth and listen to Glenn Beck for all kinds of truths that you will not hear from any other news source. Good Luck to us all.
In a hospital what is a Sister?
Particularly in Australia, but also other countries, how does a sister differ from an ordinary nurse?In a hospital what is a Sister?
The title Sister is an old one when hospitals used to be run by the church and all the nurses were part of the clergy.
a sister is a nurse who is also a nun in the US
Sister is the chief of the nurses. Usually they are selected based on experience.
A Sister is the charge nurse on a ward. In England and other areas, all nurses are called sisters. In America, they are all called nurses or charge nurse if she is the authority on the ward.
She is a nun in the Catholic Church that is also a nurse.
Improve eyesight?
is there a possible way to make your eyesight better??Improve eyesight?
Eat carrots. Vitamin C helps your eye site. I just took a physical yesterday and the doc was like, "you have eagle eyes" :)
There are contacts that when you wear then at night, they flatten your cornea. Unfortunately, they're pretty expensive. If your eyesight isn't that bad, eye surgery is pretty useful.
Eat more veggies and don't strain your eyes looking at anything, wear shades when going outside.
Get some glasses.
There are two options you can try. these are things that I have personal experience with.
1) You can try doing eye exercises to improve your vision. I started doing eye exercises a few months ago. I created a blog where I post my progress. You can check it out at http://improvingmyeyesight.com/blog/...
2) You can opt to do laser surgery. I don't think I'll be doing this any time soon, because I'm afraid of any risks or side effects... and I appreciate my eyesight too much.
Hope this helps.
Important caffeine question!?
okay my boyfriend just drank a cocaine (the energy drink NOT THE DRUG) and had 2 caffeine pills. he's trying to stay awake to finish a paper.. but isnt that really dangerous?Important caffeine question!?
Im not doctor but ive popped energy pills and drank energy drinks on top of each other and have had no adverse effects, except for the crash hes gonna experience in about 3 hours.
damm he must want to die thats why to mush caffeine.
you can get an overdose just like any other drug. Caffeine is legal..its an upper. It will not be an overdose, but it is hazardous.
wow thats incredibly dangerous he could go into seizures or have a heart attack, he definately shouldnt be mixing them
You have to be careful. Caffein can increase the heart-rate. It will also dry you out.
Immunization question...?
I'm trying to get back into college, and they need another copy of my immunization records, however, I can't find them. I also can't find any copies from any doctors. My question is, if I can't find my immunization records, does it hurt to get re-immunized?Immunization question...?
Try going though state medical assoc. My childrens shot records burned in my house fire and I had moved so often that there was not a single file located anywhere. I went though State of Texas Health and they had them all.
Immunizations do hurt some it just depends on w.hich ones you get, if at all possible try and find your records. Contact the drs office they will hve records
Im watching ugly Betty & the guy who had the sex change(Dannys bro) said she is wearing a hormone patch...?
...so that her mustach doesnt grow back.
..im just woundering is there such a thing as a hormone patch?
if there is where would you be able to get a hold one one??
and if it effects the over all body hair growth..then how come it doesnt effect the hair which grows on thier head??
im very curious about thisIm watching ugly Betty & the guy who had the sex change(Dannys bro) said she is wearing a hormone patch...?
It's adding female hormones to the body. The same reason woman aren't hairy but have hair on their heads... The patch does exist but like all hormone treatments must be prescribed by a doctor.
You can get patches but i dont know the details i just seen it on a programme last week a bout britains youngest transexual, 18 from liverpool.
i would imagine it would be the same as hrt patches
not sure what effects it would have as i have never had one, but am guessing its only available on prescription for the docs.
dat episode was ace lol.i dont know but wouldnt it be good to never shave or wax again lol
I'm trying to find some life insurance that pays at least $1 million?
I'm trying to find some life insurance that pays at least $1 million?
AIG- you might want to check out this type of policy that not every insurance carrier offer. It pays you back the amount equal to the premiums you paid at the end of the term policy if you want. So it pays whether you live or die.
please try this http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-1748196-103...
I'm taking the antibiotic Leviquin...?
I take it once a day (750mg) around noon. Would it do me harm or reduce the impact of my medication if I had a beer or 2 around 11p.m? I normally don't think it's a good idea to do this, but I was wondering what the effect on me would be.I'm taking the antibiotic Leviquin...?
generally when you are taking antibiotics you should not consume alcohol. The alcohol lessens the effect of the antibiotic on your system. mixing alcohol and antibiotics is not goin to have an effect like it would if you were mixing with pain killers insted, the condition for which you have been prescribe antibiotics may not be treated as effectively.
Ask your Pharmacist.
They say that alcohol lessens the effect of antibiotics...but I really don't think one beer(assuming its not a 32 oz glass) will have much impact. If you are really concerned call the doctor who prescribed you the antibiotic and ask.
Below extracted from site on Levaquin.Click on the link below to learn more. Take care.
Other Interactions
Certain medicines should not be used at or around the time of eating food or eating certain types of food since interactions may occur. Using alcohol or tobacco with certain medicines may also cause interactions to occur. Discuss with your healthcare professional the use of your medicine with food, alcohol, or tobacco.
Im still bored! can anyone think of any questions i should ask on here, im not dumb just having a laugh!?
Im still bored! can anyone think of any questions i should ask on here, im not dumb just having a laugh!?
If you want a laugh go somewhere other than a site area looking at health. There are guys here with real and often very sad questions. I find rude and joky questions in this area an insult to these individuals.
Why don't you ask about places to go in your area, then you won't be bored. Either that or go on a dating site and find someone to keep you entertained :)
you've started with this one... just keep going, let your imagination flow!
You could try reading other peoples questions that might spark up a few ideas for you!
I'm Still Alive! What should I do Today?
I tried to commit suicide last night, but I woke up this morning and I'm still here! I feel great!
What should I do?I'm Still Alive! What should I do Today?
Get down on your knees, look up to the heavens and thank your God that he gave you one more day. Did you know that each day was a gift from the Lord and when you try to commit suicide it's like you throwing that gift right back in his face. Thank God He forgave you and gave you your gift today.
Go for a walk, breath in the fresh air.. and shout it's Wonderful to be Alive!! Life is for living.. think about ways to make your life more enjoyable. Exercise releases happy endorphins and really gives you a boost... I've just taken up jogging and really feel the difference. I'm so glad you're still here mate. and really wish you all the very best :-)
Try again.
That sucks, because you weren't feeling so great yesterday you failed.
Now that you are feeling GREAT.try again for better results!
Good luck!
Let us all know if you succeed?
become a christian, and earn your place in heaven!
but never try commiting suicide again
Order your favorite meal and watch chappelle's show. laugh your head off.
remember how good it feels so you wont try again
I'm so ITCHY!!?
I was just wondering if anyone has ever been itchy due to stress? My doctor said it is definitely possible. I have been itchy all over, but have no rash or hives or anything. I have been really stressed out because I am a special ed teacher and have a lot of paper work to do about my students and it's been driving me crazy! I've been taking allergy medication for it which helps a little, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?I'm so ITCHY!!?
Stress will do it, making you itchy, so I would try benadryl, as you can get it over the counter, and it works pretty good with the itch, but it does make you a little sleepy, until you get used to it. Yes, it is almost summer, and you have all that paperwork to do, evaluations, etc. etc, so I would take the benadryl now, and soon, you will be done for the summer, and will not need them.
yes, mostly on my chin and forehead. Have some chamomile tea sweetened with honey. It helps, believe me.
yes. i do it all the time.
It could be subma eggzema, which is caused by stress, it doesnt have to be visible to be there.
I have a friend who lost her son in an accident...she had the same thing!
Dr. said her skin produced too much histamines...put her on an anti-histamine and gave her a topical cream.
when I'm stressed my forehead itches. No rash or anything either. I end up taking benedryl.
Im sick.?
I gotta cold, and a HUGE headach, i already took a motrin for the headach but nothing happend...what do i do?
please help i need to be good for school tommarow!Im sick.?
Go to bed and sleep. Sleep is the body's healing mode.
Im sick, should i got 2 school?
i have been out since tuesday. i went 2 da doctors, and he gave me some medicine, but i still have a fever, curently its 99.3. should i go to school? 2morow, i have a social studies test, not to mention a science test I have to make up. i dont know what to do. part of me wants to stay home because A. im still sick and B i have 2 tests im not really ready for. But, then again, i've been home for 3 days, and my fever is almost gone.
WHAT SHOULD I DO???Im sick, should i got 2 school?
most schools want you to stay home for 24 hours after the fever has broken so...i wouldnt go tomorrow you're still contagious
no, you could get other people sick too and tha'ts not good.
DOUBLE NOOOOOOOOOOO! You need to stay at home and party like a rock star.The fever may be gone but,FREE DAY without school.Can I get a whoop whoop!
don't go tommorow
You should go to school, you can't form a question. What is "got" to school really mean?
I'm sick from just the regular cold, but I have Fitness Testing tommorow-what should i do?
stay home to get better, then have to deal with the drop in grades and nagging parents, or go to school and pretend to be ok, keep my grades up, and wait to get better?I'm sick from just the regular cold, but I have Fitness Testing tommorow-what should i do?
If it isn't really bad,try some Tylenol Honey Flu or Theraflu.It always takes care of my symptoms very quickly.If you are feeling worse the next day,see a physician so your professor cannot drop your grade and get lots of rest.Try to drink some water and orange juice,Vitamin C will kick that cold to the curb!
stay home. you don't want to infect other people or take the chance of passing out. make your cold into something really bad complain of muscle pain and headaches and stomach aches and go into the bathroom and make gagging noises and tell people you threw up . splash water on your face and make yourself look like hell. worked for me when i wanted to get out of school.
Why not go in to see the school nurse first thing in the morning and explain your situation to her and see if she can't talk to your teacher for you.
It would be best to stay home to avoid infecting others with the cold. When you are well ask for retest.
I'm sick but should I go to tennis?
I'm homeschooled but I do tennis at the local public school. I'm on the C team so I'm not that important to the team. I've been sick for a week and a half and it almost turned into pneamonia but now I'm getting better and I can tell because I keep sneezing and my nose is slowly clearing up and I feel a lot better and my throat doesnt really hurt anymore and I'm just coughing a little bit. Do you think its ok for me to go to tennis today(which is outdoors). Or should I skip for today?I'm sick but should I go to tennis?
It sounds a bit too soon for that kind of exercise just yet. It's true that exercise is good for you and can aid recovery, but if you have been as sick as you say, then I would have thought a bit of fresh air - maybe a short walk a couple of times a day - would be better.
If you overdo it by going to tennis, then you're going to put your recovery back and in the long run will be sicker for longer.
Excersie is the best thing to do when you sick or at least try to cause if you not puking your brains out it helps. Plus lots of water
Give your body time to completely heal, unless you won't to prolong it's healing. Being sick for a week can well, suck. So if you need to get out, go for a walk, a drive but try and rest and get plenty of water, don't skip meals and you'll be better in no time. Oh and ready to play plenty of tennis!
Even though fresh air is good, too much activity after being really sick can make you worse off. I would skip it, you need to be fully healed, drink lots of water. Play when you feel completely better.
listen to your body
gordon is right --
exercise could be wise
but bed rest and liquids could be what you need
(it's only spring -- you have lots of tennis coming)
be well!
I'm sick and need help?
ive been sick scince saturday and and ive been gaging up any thing i eat do i have BeumbiaI'm sick and need help?
Drink Gingerale
Plenty Of Fruits.
Orange Juice.
If worsens, Call your doctor Or the Er.
Ill be praying for you.
What does Beumbia translate to in English?
I'm sick again, ugh.?
Gotta cold. Make me feel better. tell me what i can do to feel better or say something that would lift my spirits.I'm sick again, ugh.?
Well. You should sneeze on your hand, slap yourself, lay back down, pray for flying pigs, and then jump in a bowl of soup.
Stay in the soup for 2 sec, no more, no less.
After you complete these tasks, you will be greeted by a disco dwarf. He will throw magic powder on you, and you will suddenly feel all better.
Then you smile and your cured! :D
bevelin for cold and flu
take a hot shower and drink warm whiskey with spoon honey(put for 15s in microwave).Than go in the bed and sleep!you WILL WAKE UP HEALTHY.
I'm seeing stuff.?
My vision is 20/20 and I have no trouble seeing but sometimes I see little flashes of light when I look at something. What could cause this, and is it something I should really worry about?I'm seeing stuff.?
go get an eye-exam silly!
I went and they told me i needed glasses
Maybe you have floaters in your eyes...
I'm scoliosis patient.i'm 20 year old. i'm male.?
so hw 2 straith my back bone. i'm a student. very sad coz i'm in this condition. so what i can do. i feel scared about my future n marriege life.I'm scoliosis patient.i'm 20 year old. i'm male.?
I have scoliosis and found Pilates a good exercise to learn and then do. I am not stating it is a cure, depends on what degree of curvature, but toning up the back muscles will help now and if you end up having corrective surgery.
its better, look, if u have the correct treatment, u'll look better in the future, chill and let life go by
try chiropractic or check out soft braces like spinecor..
check out http://www.myscoliosis.net
I'm really nervous?
I have an exam in a couple of days and i'm really nervous, whenever i sit down to study my stomach goes all weird and i start to feel sick. It's math and i really need to practise.. any ideas of what could calm my nervs down a bit?I'm really nervous?
Hey you need to relax, tension will take you no where.You have to keep yourself fit so as to study and thereby giving your best in your exams.
Get up early and try deep breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes (like prananyam in yoga).
Just believe in yourself and have a grit determination to give in your best efforts.
Keep boosting your energy levels, tell ur self "Yeah i can do it, i will leave no stones unturned and score good grades".
Avoid junk food and other diet that would probably mess your stomach.
Study in a calm room. Comfortable seating, maybe aroma therapy candles, quiet. Make a nice snack to munch on, don't wait until the last minute or set a time frame for you to study in.
Good Luck on you Exams, I'm sure you'll do fine.
You just have to accustom your brain to work on different way!
You can buy B-complex, It cost something like $1or maybe $2.
B-Complex vitamins consist of these eight vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, biotin and folic acid.B1 - thiamin is essential for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Also works to promote healthy NERVES, improve mood, strengthen the heart, and improve heartburn.
I'm playing a character addicted to ecstasy in a film project, how do I make my pupils dilate without MDMA?
I want to achieve the pupil dilation effects of ecstasy without breaking the law or taking illegal drugs to achieve. How can I achieve 'saucer eyes' without taking recreational drugs? There will be close ups in the movie and I don't want to be 'high' when I'm acting.I'm playing a character addicted to ecstasy in a film project, how do I make my pupils dilate without MDMA?
Good luck trying to get the above mentioned drops. The drops are an atropine solution, highly poisonous if ingested. I would suggest instead getting some very dark contact lenses, simulate the effect.
There are special eye drops that optometrists use when examining the eye that dilate the pupil. If you find somebody who will give you these drops, be aware that you won't be able to see correctly for awhile after the drops have been administered.
I'm over 30 and need advice on how to treat adult acne. I'd never had acne problems before and refuse to
wear make-up to cover it, even though I think it's unattractive. Need help to know what's the best product for my problem.I'm over 30 and need advice on how to treat adult acne. I'd never had acne problems before and refuse to
You have a hormone imbalance. This happens to me, too. If it's really bothering you, go to the doctor and he can prescribe medication.
The dermatologists have excellent medications that will clear it up
There are a lot of different treatments I could inform you of. The truth of the matter is, when it comes to treating acne you should really seek out advice from a professional such as a dermotologist. I am 21 years old and I am on a product right now called Accutane. It has cleared up my acne in no time!
There really is no way for me to tell you what type of product to use because there are different types of acne and I don't know enough about you to give you substantial advice.
There is a website. It is FANTASTIC.
^^ They will help you with ANY problem you may have.^^
I don't know what I would do without that messageboard! I hope this helps and goodluck.
The outbreak of adult acne scares many people and they rush to the pharmacy and buy the first available product to treat this problem. Surprisingly, this attitude can result in more harm than good. This is because many over the counter acne treatments have been designed to treat teen acne. These medications may not be potent enough to combat adult acne, whose primary causes vary from teen acne. Always consult a dermatologist to get the proper treatment of adult acne. The doctor can find out the main cause of the adult acne.
I'm only 13 and im 6'4 and both my parents are under 5ft 4in?
I'm only 13 and im 6'4 and both my parents are under 5ft 4in?
Damn, you tall! ^_^
Blame the milkman.
and your question is?
You were adopted, or just cam out of a family that some people get taller and some don't, like your grandpa, or even older people you never knew
And your question is?
I guess you are wondering why you are so tall !?!?!?!?
Everyone is genetically predisposed to be taller than their parents.
yea? its not unusual since traits might skip generations...my 13 year old brother is also the tallest in the family...so take advantage of it and start playin basketball
u so tall at ur age!
i've seen this before either your just tall or something is growing on your pituitary gland get it checked out
You may have tall ancestors, I'm 6'3' and I'm the tallest person in my (living) family, I've had great grandparents and other distant relatives that were over 6', it's just all genetics.
maybe they were malnourished as kids.
Be happy
It is because of Family Heditary. Either of your ancestors would have been taller. So I think you can easily go in to the field of Cinema, or go in to sports
and the problem with that is ....
well u probably hv hormonal problem. i mean hypersecretion of growth hormone, which makes u grow really tall. probably.
play bball
I'm on the verge of being diabetic, how serious is it?
I'm on the verge of being diabetic, how serious is it?
Go on a low carb diet right now and you prevent this. Look up low carb and diabetes.
Very serious.
Diabetics are more likely to have heart attacks, high blood pressure, kidney failure, amputation due to poor circulation and infection, blindness, to name a few.
You need to find a diabetes education class to find ways to fight this condition. If you're overweight, start making changes in your diet. You should also exercise, even if it's just walking.
I'm now 20. What's the normal blood pressure for a guy my age?
I'm now 20. What's the normal blood pressure for a guy my age?
It depends on where you live
Normal would be 120/80 or a little lower.
standard is 120/80
don't know. I would speak to a doctor or a nurse
Normal < 120 and < 80
Prehypertension 120-139 or 80-89
It's very important that you ask this question of your doctor. The reason is that blood pressure has to be evaluated in the context of other health factors. There is an effort under way to examine the 120/80 guideline. Your doctor would have the most up-to-date information as to where that stands. He, and only he, would be able to tell you whether your blood pressure -- combined with other health factors -- indicates a problem or an incipient problem. Here's an article on the subject that calls into questions the 120/80 guidelines.
I recommend eating tons of cheese to aquire a healthy heart.
There is a normal range. 110/60-120/80 is considered normal. You may be even lower which is better than higher. Standards have changed. Personally, I run 90/40 but this is normal for me. Treat the patient and not the monitor. Your blood pressure will fluctuate. No one can have a constant blood pressure. It will naturally go up with rigorous activity and be at its lowest when you first wake up. Have a nice day.
Mr-luay is correct!
I'm no pusher?
I'm no pusher. I never have pushed.I'm no pusher?
Well said, Pusher. Well said...
what are you saying here=there's no question and if it's what I'm thinking of then no-one has said you are
what do u mean??
That's nice dear. What else did you today at school?
Excellent! Have you ever pulled?
Don't worry about it then,,,,,,,,,,,,if so facto. hmmmmm
I'm nearsighted. Which is worse?
Going about my daily activities with sunglasses or none at all.
I lost my primary glasses so I still have my sunglasses. They were both not a strong enough prescription but I won't have a replacement pair for probably 2-4 weeks. I can do most things without my glasses except drive safely... I really can't see much... my last script was for glasses of 3.5 in each eye.
Please help... I feel so lost!I'm nearsighted. Which is worse?
Same thing happened to me - I broke my everyday glasses which just left me with the sunnys. I wore them when I had to which was mostly outside,driving and at work or watching movies, rest of the time I did without around the house. It's not so bad, I'm sure you will manage ok.
i would go for laser eye treatment it worked great for my daughter...
I'm mixed with Indian how can I have my blood tested to see how much Indian I am mixed with?
I'm mixed with Indian how can I have my blood tested to see how much Indian I am mixed with?
It is possibly to do genetic dna testing to trace your ancestry to some degree. If you want to find out information I would try searching using the term, "genetic genealogy". There are companies out there that are selling this service, but I am not sure on their validity. A helpful length to go to is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/genetic_gen...
theres no test to determine how much % of a race you are.. your blood is the same as everyone elses. The only way to trace your heritage is to look at a family tree and investigate into your ancestors.
Put a drop of your blood between a tepee and a block of flats. If the drop of blood starts rolling to the tepee, then you'll know...
U inherent 50% from ur mom and another 50% from your dad. I have neva heard someone wants to do a blood test to see how much they r of one race...No possible way. Your genes doesnt show what race are you. Race,religion,culture are things that are taught to u. Genes only determines ur colour,height,looks, hair...etc..
I'm looking for a specialty eye doctor that can fit pople for contacts who have Keratoconus somewhere in utah.
I'm looking for a specialty eye doctor that can fit pople for contacts who have Keratoconus somewhere in utah.
Scott L. Jaben, MD
Partner; Charlotte Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Associates (CEENTA)
Medical Director; TLC Charlotte Laser Eye Center
CEENTA South Park Office
6035 Fairview Road
Charlotte, NC 28210
Telephone:(704) 295-3000
Toll free: (800) 654-3368
Fax: (704) 295-3121
CEENTA Monroe Office
701 East Roosevelt Blvd.
Monroe, NC 28112
Telephone:(704) 295-3725
Fax: (704) 295-3737
Contact your state Medical Society and ask them to direct you to an opthomologist that does this.
Best of luck to you!
Im kind of worried...?
earlier my mom noticed this bump on her shoulder..but its more close to her neck...and when i felt it.. it feels like its full of air..and when you look at it its noticable... any ideas what it could be?... and its not a bug bite.Im kind of worried...?
Only a doctor can give you the right answer, its better to go see a doctor in person than get personal opinions over the computer
pop it!
Could be a cyst.
did you go to the dr?
probably a cyst.. should be cut off in a simple procedure by a dermatologist.. nothing to worry about but can get removed for esthetics
sebaceous cyst maybe
Could be a cyst, or an abscess. Should probably get that checked out by a dermatologist.
It could be a wart. It could also be a burn.
Its best to see a doc rather than to guess before it become worst.
it could be a lymph node , a lymph node can be benign and can be due to a disease..especially hard lymph nodes are dangerous, it doesn't seem to be a cause of concern..but see the doctor to be satisfied
well since this seems like a consultation why don't u take a pic of the swelling and send it to my email
Im just turning 16 and im only 5'10 is that ok(im a guy)?
Can i grow more?Im just turning 16 and im only 5'10 is that ok(im a guy)?
What do you mean; only 5' 10" at that height you would have looked down on most of the great world leaders in history.
such as Napoleon Bonepart, Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler and Kevin Keegan.
I stopped growing when I was 16, and I'm the same height (almost) as you) it's perfectly fine
I was 40 this year and am 5'6, so I wouldn't worry about it mate!
As the saying goes "It's not the size it's how you use it"
How much bigger do you want to grow.? you probably haven't stopped growing yet.
l lucky boy im 30 and only 5"8 so its normal unless you massivebodymalfunctionus type one then you will have to go to your doctors for a reduction.
My son will be 16 in a few months and he is only 5'5 and yes you will still grow generally a male doesnt stop growing till around 21 years of age. Hope i helped.
On average, men keep growing till about the age of 21, some more so than others, I stand about 6'1, so potentially you could grow more, just depends on your genes. You are at average if not above average height for your age.
It depends a lot on your genetics but most males don't reach their maximum height until they are 18 or 19 years old. I didn't stop growing until I was 22.
Even if you don't get any taller, 5'10" is a pretty common height, not too tall, not too short.
No from now on you shrink to 3 ft but hey...you get to be tossed.
5'10" at 16 doesn't sound particularly unusual to me.
I was probably a similar height, maybe even taller at 16. I'm 6'3" now.
I'd worry more if I was 4'10" at 16 if I were you.
Maybe I'm dumb but I think that's TALL!!!!!
Im in tears?
my neighbor couldnt take me to the ER i am throwing up even worse now. Help!Im in tears?
Keep taking small sips of water every 2 to 3 minutes. Take Pedialyte if available. If you have cold hands and feet or feel dizzy, go to the ER immediately. If you are passing sufficient urine, not too scanty or concentrated every 3 or 4 hours, you are not dehydrated. Eat small meals of yogurt, rice, bananas, toast or apple.
Whining on Y! Answers isn't going to help. Call 911 if you really are sick.
call 911!
If you cry hard enough for long enough it can make you vomit. But if you're continually vomiting then I agree with the other people-call an ambulance.
Abbey, it's time to phone either a cab or an ambulance.
Dial 911 if you're in the USA.
Hang in there,
Im in desperate need of him ! Can you please help me?
Hey, I need Help. I have this Aunt.. She's not old but she needs help. Nobody comes around to help her not even her kids. She doesnt have a aide to help her. She stays at home every single day. Dont get me wrong she is in age but i feel she could do more.The Doctor says she has the golt. but its not that serious. Her feet swells up everyday. I dont know what to do Maybe there is some vitamins , fruits juice or anything that will help her. i just wanna help her.. uplift her spirit. anything thing that u think will help her..please let me know thank youIm in desperate need of him ! Can you please help me?
Just drop by and see her if only for a few minutes during the week if you are able to. You would be surprised how that will cheer an older one up. Also, take her some fresh fruit to snack on..make sure she isn't snacking on salty foods like chips etc...If you can't drop by, just give her a call to say hi, see how things are going. You may subscribe to a favorite magazine for her, buy her some potted plants to work with on her porch or in the yard if she has one. Buy her a bird feeder and hang close to a window for her to watch the birds.
You are very thoughtful to think of her like this.
Put her feet in lukewarm water with some salt.give her a pedicure to uplift her spirit...
Drinking Lemon in sparkling water will ease the swelling in her feet. Also, she should rest with her feet up sometimes. To lift her spirits play some of her favorite music on cds. Play some video tapes of funny movies. Laughter is an excellent "medicine". Best wishes.
Im having reall bad ches&upper back area.It gets worst when i take deep breaths or drink something?
Im having reall bad ches&upper back area.It gets worst when i take deep breaths or drink something?
You should see a doctor.
Were you recently involved in an accident of sort? It could be a broken rib(s). If not, and depending on your age it could be a number of things. If you are older, usually over 45, you could be having angina or heart problems.
If you are sweating and nauseous, call 911.
Sounds like you could have pleurisy, have you had a cold recently? Google it and see if this sounds like what you have going on.
After I gave birth, I had really sharp pain in my shoulder when breathing. I was told it was an air bubble that got trapped in my body. (Somehow?) It hurt like hell, but went away after a while.
Don't know what yours could be. Did you hurt yourself in anyway?
Im having intense stomach pains..?
All day ive been getting these cramp like pains in what feels like my actual stomach. They creep up on me and last for about 30 seconds. I have been vomiting and had diarrhea this morning. On a scale of 1 - 10 in regards to pains they prob start off at 5 and get up to an 8 and then slowly creep back down to 5 and then disappear. Anyone know what it could be. I hope its not food poisoning because i ate mexican food for lunch yesterday.Im having intense stomach pains..?
Sounds like salmonella to me. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Take an antidiarrehal (like lomotil) if you have more than 3 episodes of loose stools. You will become dehydrated pretty quickly, so if you can keep some Gatorade down, that would be good.
When you start feeling better, eat cautiously. Crackers, light foods, not alot of spice. Really push the water.
Call you doctor if you don't feel better within 36 hours or so.
Sounds like gastroenteritis ( inflamation of stomach lining)
Food posioning also carries these same symptoms, consult your doctor if pain and diarrhea persist or fever develops.
Don't get dehydrated with the diarrhea and vomiting
It definitely sounds like food poisoning...drink lots and lots of fluids (drink some gatorade to replinish your electrolytes) and if you don't feel better in a few days go to your doctor
Hi from France ?
See the doctor, please !!
Have a nice day,
Im having appendicitis (probably).?
I'm having pain in my right lower hip (i am constipated for 3 days), the doctor said it might be appendicitis and told me that it can go away by itself in most cases. He told me to wait for 1-2 days and report back to him to decide to get surgery or not. its been a day now and the pain lowers a bit.
Is this true? it can go away by itself?Im having appendicitis (probably).?
I don't know if it can go away, but I do know it can become infected and burst, jeopardizing your life. I'd return to the doctor right away, as he said to wait 1-2 days, and you have.
A doctor can tell with a simple blood test. If you have the symptoms you describe, I would hire another doctor. Nothing you mention has anything to do with the appendix. I would not return to him......Sounds like you have pain from being constipated to me.
Im having abdominal pain, but its more of high/middle not lower pain. can someone help me??
i was sitting at my desk and i happened to "suck in" my belly and a sharp pain all over my tummy area just came.. now it is still here but it isnt that bad, but it is still hurting. also i havent been able to use the restroom very well (number 2). i did go today but it wasnt easy for me to go and only a little happened.. i have been having the feeling that i need to use the restroom but i can not go at all. im not sure what to do. can someone help me??Im having abdominal pain, but its more of high/middle not lower pain. can someone help me??
Don't worry it's muscles pain, it happens to me all the time...and for (number 2) just take some laxative...you're a little constipated.
Best wishes and good luck
Abdominal pain is common with constipation. This could be your problem. If you try the following and your pain persists for a week or more, please see a doctor! Anyway try this: eat foods high in fiber, exercise, and DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Do not try any laxitives without your doctor's ok. If the pain worsens or you experience abdominal pain, constipation AND vomiting, go to the ER.
that's usually what I'm suffering from.but u must say where excatly u have the pain.it's probably ur intestin.let's say it's nothing serious just u r having some digestive problems.
only if the pain continues more u must check it at ur doctors
I think ,probably it may be the case of Dysmenorrhea,another reason is [pleez, i'm not sure] u r suffering from peptic ulcer,or u have eaten something wrongor any other kind of menstrual problem,pleez,consult aDoctor,b'coz i'm not a doctor,i can only advise u.
I'm going to the docter, and i'm afraid i'm going to get drug tested!?
I'm going to the docter and i'm afraid they're gonna drug test me, i inhaled 2nd mj smoke. I have a UTI and they have to test me for that, can they do a drug test at the same time as well?I'm going to the docter, and i'm afraid i'm going to get drug tested!?
they won't test you for drugs. They've got better things to do with their time than go to great lengths for someone who's smoked a little bit of weed.
so? there is such thing as doctor-patient privileges. he/she won't say anything to anyone if you ask not to.
then, stop smoking pot if you're so concerned about it
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I'm going to hit the sack now...anyone have something to say before i do?
I'm going to hit the sack now...anyone have something to say before i do?
yes and don,t wake up and type anymore dumb things on ByeDr.com!
good night sweet dreams
Good night, sleep tight, mind the bugs don't bite! :)
I'm going to get a t-shirt made,but need a positive slogan..?
about not doing drugs,crack,etc.what would be a good slogan?I'm going to get a t-shirt made,but need a positive slogan..?
Hey you! Don't do drugs and stay off the crack!
You could find pictures of Great People who abused drugs (i.e. Whitney Houston, etc., etc.) and ask what do they have in common on the front.
On the back they all used drugs.now look where they are. With pictures of them all drugged out...
You could do a collage of pictures from the internet.
be smart, live drug free..
Just Say NO!
I'm going for a consultation for a nose job, any advice?
Questions to ask..any experiences good or bad anyone wants to share would be greatly appreciated!I'm going for a consultation for a nose job, any advice?
Umm no, you don't have to wear a bandage for 4-6 weeks, that's a lie. It is well worth it if you're doing it for your self esteem, and so that your nose is not the center of attention,
DO NOT GET ONE!! You're nose is fine how it is.
You will hurt like hell, both of your eyes will be black and blue and you have to wear a bandage for 4 to 6 weeks to keep the 'nose the doctor broke in place' ask your doctor these questions. He can be of more help.
Dont listen to these people who say it will hurt like hell... or whatever!
Do it! It is totally worth it!
Im getting off my depression meds, and i keep feeling a "shock" sensation thru my body?
could the withdrawl from the antidepressants be causing this sensation since my hormones and my nerves are re-adjusting or do i need to be concerned? thanks and god blessIm getting off my depression meds, and i keep feeling a "shock" sensation thru my body?
I also had 'shock' sensations when I stopped taking an antidepressant. I asked my doctor if this is normal, and he told me that it can be a side effect of ending the medication use. He then prescribed the medication in a smaller dosage, and told me to ween myself from the medication for a longer period of time with the smaller dose. Nevertheless, I would talk to your doctor about the sensations you are having. Hopefully you are withdrawing from your medication under your doctors supervision. Good luck.
Surely it's a transitory phase.
To my mind, you may still be suffering from depression. Did your Doctor cease the medications or did you decide you're OK now? Also, if you are going off them, I would want to decrease them gradually. Depends how long you've been taking them too, but if the sensations continue, I'd check back with the Doc!
That is a very common reaction when coming off anti-depressants, especially SSRIS such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc. I have experienced this myself. I am on a high dose of Zoloft, usually the higher the dosage of SSRI you are on, the more this problem occurs. You should taper off very gradually from the med, and if you have this reaction don't cut your dose down any more for a few days. The Prozac did this to me very bad both when I first started it and when I went off of it. I did not have a good reaction to it at all and couldn't tolerate it.
Im embarressed!?
I am 30yrs old female & i have a problem. I have to wear those adult diapers (nappies) because, when i laugh to hard i... well... sh#t myself. The Dr said i would grow out of it if i did pelvic muscle exercises but, when i do these, i wet myself. Is there a cure? I am single as a result.Im embarressed!?
You need to see your doctor for the possibility of treatment for urinary incontinence. THe pelvic floor excerise are effective and so to is bladded training methods. Your doctor will explain these to you.
I'm coughing to the point it's uncontrollable; what can I do?
I just spent about 45min nose to permanent maker; not sniffing, outlining. I would get up and breath and cough and now that I've stopped, I can stop giving little coughs and my nose is tickling. I've tried drinking water and running water to breath in, but I'm still coughing a little bit. What can get rid of this cough? PS I have about another 3 hours of outlining to go, I want to a "cure" of this coughing before I start up again.I'm coughing to the point it's uncontrollable; what can I do?
see a doctor...you might have bronchitis.
I have that problem. I had to go to the hospital and get an inhaler.
don't get so close to the permanent markers then you won't be inhaling the fumes
Eat foods that contain a good amount of red-pepper! Seriously! Also, basil is good for the resporatory system, lol I think that's the breathing system, anyway it's good for your lungs. Just make sure that you continue to cover your mouth and say "excuse me". Take care.
Cough is caused by a number of ailments.
It can be treated by over the counter medicines
or home remedies. More information available
at http://ailments.in/cough.html
I'm confused?
I heard that by using deodorant you could get cancer. i'm not trying to be dumb by asking this question. I just want to know if it's true or not. I it is why?I'm confused?
That is not a dumb question, but you can google that yourself. But to help you out, no it is another Urban Myth.
Email rumors surfaced on the Internet in the early 1990s that antiperspirants have a link in causing breast cancer; these are now widely considered to be an urban myth. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American Cancer Society (ACS), these rumors are largely unsubstantiated by scientific research. An example of this rumor from Nelson Bay NSW is that in 2001 a 14 year old girl called James Dobson went on ACA (a current affair) saying that she had breast cancer, but it ended up just being that she had an unusual mole growth caused by an allergic reaction to the aluminium oxide in the deodorant
Ive heard the same thing (only about anti-persperent) im not sure why though, id like to know
check it out on snopes.com. They keep track of urban legends and stuff.
Im anemiac?
its so sad!Im anemiac?
i am tooo i just found out and i'm always sooooo tired i'm taking iron supplements but the doctor said they need a week to start working and that i should eat a more iron based diet. let me know what helps dealing with it.
do you mean you have anemia?
Dont worry, just take iron supplement, eat alot of green vegetables and steak Medium rare if you can, if not, just iron is good.
This is not so bad if you control it.
EAt right and sleep right and you should be fine!
Im addicted to chocolate. i want to cut it out. Do you have any advice for an alternative?
Im addicted to chocolate. i want to cut it out. Do you have any advice for an alternative?
Carob is supposed to be a good alternative but I haven't tried it so don't know what it tastes like.
Best not to buy chocolate and then you won't be tempted.
I think that there are so many mind boosting ingredients that you will always crave chocolate , and it is certainly not bad for you .
I would say buy the BEST which usually means the most expensive ones that are not filled with sugar.
But ones like Thorntons or a good continantal chocolate .
You may find taking Magnesium tablets may help as this is contained in Chocolate and your body craves this at period time . Also make sure you eat nourishngly -no low blood sugar bouts please
I'm a teenager,how can I grow tall?
I want to grow tall, but I don't know what to do.I'm a teenager,how can I grow tall?
height is due to genetics. look at your relatives. there is nothing that you can take or eat to grow tall.
Get older you will grow when you age
I'm a 15 year old boy, and I'm 6"1 and wondering will i get taller and how much taller?
I'm a 15 year old boy, and I'm 6"1 and wondering will i get taller and how much taller?
probably and how much taller is up to your DNA, you can continue to grow in height into your 20's, if you have records of what your height was when you were three double it and it'll give you a good estimate of what your expected adult height will be. My husband was about 6'0 or 6'1 at 15 and hes 6'6 as an adult
I would guess you could grow as least a couple more inches, could be 4 or 5 or more too. A couple of factors that would contribute would be if there are other tall people in your family. Also your shoe size, at your age if you wear bigger than a 12 I'm guessing you've got a good bit of growing to do yet.
Holy crap! You could grow until you're 25 yrs old.
Wow, that is tall. You can continue growing until 20, but it is influenced mostly by your genes. Don't worry about that too much though, and put it to some good use!
I'm 5'11'' and I 'm 18yrs old is there a way I can increase my chances of making 6'2'' or at least 6'0''?
Dieting, exercise, good nutrition any thing you can think of.
These days I feel rather short compared to fully grown men out there. Wish I was a little taller? I wear size 10 shoes and I'm 5'11''
in height. Thanks!I'm 5'11'' and I 'm 18yrs old is there a way I can increase my chances of making 6'2'' or at least 6'0''?
5'11" is only an inch away from 6'0". What difference does an inch make?
I wish I could tell you there was some way fo you to intervene to influence your height, but there simply is not. Height is determined genetically.
The only activity I have heard of that increases height is lap swimming, and at best, you'll only gain an inch. Your ultimate height is governed mostly by your genes, and as long as you're getting good nutrition with sufficient calcium and other bone-building minerals in your diet, that's the best you can do to affect your height. You can always get lifts to wear inside your shoes if your height is that important.
Im 23/m weight 183 waist 33 body fat 16% am i fat?
Im 23/m weight 183 waist 33 body fat 16% am i fat?
You are not obese as much as you need to exercise, eat well and build muscle mass to normal levels. You are still at a stage where it is easier to correct excesses and don't face as many complications. As always, check with your doctor for advice and any any medical conditions that may be a concern. You don't need powders, drinks and candy bars for body building and really, honestly, nobody needs them or the freakshow body--you need to be strong and toned, something only a daily routine, sound eating and old-fashioned patience and the wisdom of you and your doctor will produce. "The body" is ego extension and for competition/show, not reality. A well-kept body is an amazingly strong thing. You can hurt yourself in any state if you use it incorrectly.
Take care.
how tall are you? you dont sound fat by your waist... i think thats a normal weight.
not at alll!
I think the body fat percentage in the healthy zone for males is somewhere around 11%-17%. So I think you're all right.
this will give you a readout and a chart to interpret what range you should be in and what range means you are fat.
You didn't say how tall you are. 16% body fat is about right for a man in his 20's, you're probably very tall and/or very muscular. If you're very muscular your BMI may be misleading. 16% is about right.
If you stand up straight, and you can't see your feet without bending over... then you ARE fat.
I'm 19, roughly 5'6. Is there anything i can eat or do to get taller?
I'm 19, roughly 5'6. Is there anything i can eat or do to get taller?
The only thing you can do is artificially increase your height mechanically, meaning wearing something that enhanced your height.
no you cannot alter your genes by your calorie intake.
No. Don't worry about it.
I think your height is out of your hands. But then, you never know, you might have a growing spurt. I've seen it happen.
No. Your height is 100% determined by your genetic makeup, unless of course you, you injure your back or starve yourself in which case you may lose height.
I can tell you not to drink caffeine cause that stunts your growth.
I am afraid not. Height is determined by genetics. Not the food we eat. However, people who are malnurished at a young age can be effected physically by it.
Please don't worry about your height. It is not the do all or be all. My husband also has trouble with his perception of his height. I love him for who he is. Not his height. It doesn't bother me a bit.
you may still grow. I am 38, my daughter is 19 and she grew an inch this past year. Good Luck
You can stretch so that you dont shrink LOL
Height is heriditary, however certain clothing etc can make you look taller
Short men are cool cool
xo xo ---good luck
milk- like 5 times a day
Im 18 Years old and my knees are starting to feel a little weak. What can i do to make them stronger?
Im 18 Years old and my knees are starting to feel a little weak. What can i do to make them stronger?
Depending on you weight, you can take health supplements. Visit a GNC store and talk to the rep. for recommandation.
Good Luck !
Drink more milk and take fish oil.
start walking more as when you walk more your legs will get stronger. you must not do alot. the more you walk the stronger they will be.
Incorporate more proteine in your diet(and take a multi vitamin) and do LIGHT strength training around the knees ( ie leg press) Also eat a lot of things with olive oil. It helps maintain joint health. If you go running, dont go on pavement, use a treadmill or do low impact workouts such as biking or an elliptical trainer. If you must run outside run on even pavement. If you are heavy, weight loss will dramatically improve knee strength.
I'm 18 and 6"2 tall, should I feel awkward?
Whenever I'm walking around I see so many people shorter than me and it really feels like I stand out from the rest. Should I be feeling awkward like this or should I be feeling proud of my height?
And will I still grow any taller, since I'm 18 now?I'm 18 and 6"2 tall, should I feel awkward?
6'2" is not too tall. You may grow a little more. You should be proud of your height. It sure beats being 5 ' tall. Then, you would have a less chance of a lot of things including being a basketball player. There's not anything that you can do about it, so let it benefit you instead of hinder you. At least you're on the best side of 6 feet.
No need to feel awkward at all. People are all different, some shorter, some taller, etc. My guess is that at age 18 you're about done with your growth.
No, you shouldn't. I wish I was tall. Be proud of it, but don't pick on us short people or anything.
Probably not, but you never know.
ofcourse not,you have to be confident
A man should be taller than a woman when dating so I don't think it should matter if you grow any taller or not. A lot of men and women hanker for your height so stand tall and be proud.
dude I was 6'-4" at age 16.and I'm still 6'-4", 30 years later.
No, you shouldn't feel akward at all. My friend is 15 and he is 6'2" and still growing. Also, I know tons of people who would kill to be that tall! Your should definately be proud.
I'm 16(female). do i still have a chance of growing taller?
i'm 5'4" high currently and i want to be at least 5'8".. can someone give me tips on how can i grow taller?I'm 16(female). do i still have a chance of growing taller?
Yes, girls don't stop growing until they're 19-20. (Boys when they are 21-22).
There is nothing you can do to grow taller. You have to wait and see how tall you are at 20. Height is determined by genetics while you are still in the womb. Nothing you can do to change it. No pills, exercises, stretches, sports, foods drinks..nothing will make you grow.
yea.. girls dont stop growing untill they are like 20 or something
when I entered high school I was 5'6", and when I left, I was 5'8". You can still grow, but you can't force it. it does help to not smoke and also to generally lead a healthy lifestyle. If you don't eat right, you won't grow.
If your only 16, and your an active teen, then you should grow taller, i don't know about 5'8" though. Maybe 5'6". Eat health, sleep at least 8 hours a night, and exercise regularly!
There arent any tips to growing any taller. You're probably going to stay like that forever. Guys like short girls you know..
I'm 13 and I'm 5'4". How tall can I be when I grow up?
I play basketball. My Dad is 5'7" and mom is 5'5", but my grandfather is 6'4"!I'm 13 and I'm 5'4". How tall can I be when I grow up?
Well if you are 13 and already 5'4" there is a good chance you will be tall. Expecially since you probably haven't even hit your growth spurt yet. No one can say for sure, since we can't see into the future, but I would guess that you will be between 5'9" and 6'2".
there is a good posibility u can be very tall when u grow up like mabey taller than ur grandpa like 6'7
It is hard to predict. But If you play basket ball, there is a high chance that you will grow to be a tall person.
5 ft 8.5 inches
you will be above 6ft for sure
You are very fortunate...Usually a good indicator is to look at your extended family on both sides, and genes have been known to extend for up to seven generations !You mentioned you play basketball, well you need the height...regardless of what you do with your future, height is just height, look at it as a gift from the Universe..you'll be the one they remember...
we can't really say for sure. but if you are 13 and 5'4" already, chances are you'd be taller than your parents. if you really want to grow taller, drink a vitamin supplement like cherifer.
Im 13 and i hav a 16cm penis.once i was changing in bathroom and some boy open door to come, a girl saw IT.k?
in the qs, a girl walking past the bathroom saw it while the door was opened. anyway, she saw it and now she teases me about it, saying my penis is bigger than most guys' my age(16cm when erect,yes she saw while it was erect). my question:is she right?she said "if i could suck anyone in this levels penis, it would be yours" she relly said that. so, is it really a big penis?Im 13 and i hav a 16cm penis.once i was changing in bathroom and some boy open door to come, a girl saw IT.k?
Yes, it's larger than average and larger than median. Average erect penis length is 12.7 to 15 cm according to some studies, but the studies vary. Since you will probably grow some more at age 13, it may also grow some more.
However, it's more about who you are as a person, rather than the size of your penis. Do you care about your friends, do you try to be a good person? The size of a penis depends on genes, so it's the luck of the draw, just as height, intelligence, or eye color is, not anything that a guy does to make it bigger (or smaller).
In any case, don't get to thinking it's all that important to being happy or getting lots of sex (later on) that really matters. A large number of males wish they had a bigger one, but many are happy with what they have. Since you can't change it, be comfortable with what you have, regardless. Having a bigger penis doesn't necessarily make you more masculine either.
Enjoy life and be a good person.
you're a douche lol
what were you doing with an erect penis in the men's room?
are you a poof?
Im 12 y old boy,was slapped by my older bro2 times infront of my friends.im really depressed wht should i do?
he is 20 yrs old and hit me infront of my friends for stupid reason.now im soo depressed i wanna kill myself!Im 12 y old boy,was slapped by my older bro2 times infront of my friends.im really depressed wht should i do?
Kevin! don't kill yourself! You need to find help with an adult you can trust. If this was a one off occurance confront your borther, or your parents about it.
Was it this incident in particular that made you feel depressed or were you feeling bad already?
Don't give in, there is always help available. you just have to look for it!
No one here can give you an answer that will solve all your problems, no matter how hard we may try. what you need to do is find a counsellor or psychologist who you can talk to and feel safe talking to. Good luck kevin. I hope you feel better.
give him a tight slap in front of his friends !!GO FOR IT!
His being mean. Just ignore your brother.
Your brother sounds that he has some anger issues. Why did he hit you?
Talk to you family, other relatives or teachers about this, especially if you brother hits you on a frequent basis.
Do not think about taking your life. You are still young and you have got you whole life to live for. Like they say, the world is your oyster. Work hard in school and you would be able to achieve anything that you want.
Everyone feels depressed in life, but it is important that you can deal with it. Stay away from your brother and remember to report anything that he does to you to someone else.
IM 12 i still wet the bed wat do i do?
i dont drink water at night i stp drinking at 7pmIM 12 i still wet the bed wat do i do?
Your mother and father need to take you to see a urologist.
There is a reason after 6 years old. it could be very easy to fix. No pain at all. Talk to your parents and let them know how your feeling and your wants about getting this taken care of.
Good luck Things will get better soon
i pee on myself when i laugh too hard
I think you have enuresis. Talk to your doctor, although it might be embarrassing. But don't be ashamed, all of us have our problems. (No offense) : )
Talk to your family doctor. Really, talk to your family doctor. There may be physiological reasons for this, and the only way to find out is to start by talking to your family doctor. (That's literally what happened with my youngest sister.)
First and foremost, talk with your parents. You may have a spastic bladder, which is not uncommon, and an appointment with a urologist may be in order. It's important to talk with your parents and let them know what's going on, just in case there's a medical reason for your bedwetting that needs to be addressed.
Don't let it bother you too much, a lot of 12 year olds still wet the bed and sometimes, it's just a part of growing up that you have to "grow out of." Adolescence is a tough time no matter what, and I understand the embarrassment you're going through (been there, I was 12 when I finally stopped).
Good luck to you and peace!
could there be an issue with your blatter?
Are you too lazy to wake up at night to go to the bathroom?
Try setting your alarm close to when you know you wet your bed and force yourself to get up and go pee to prevent any accidents.
I'll be having an exam.What drugs are good for improving memory?
I'll be taking the exam 3 months from now. What's a good vitamin/drug that's safe?I'll be having an exam.What drugs are good for improving memory?
I take it you mean supplements.
Ginko Biloba is good for memory.
Antioxidants such as berry extracts are good too.
Blueberry is the best they say. Cranberry's good too.
Believe it or not, cocoa is a powerful antioxidant and can be obtained in capsule form or dark chocolate if you prefer.
Exercise helps, especially aerobic.
The study drug.
The best drug I can think of would be called STUDYING. I think it is even FDA approved and legal.
Some say having a cup of coffee the morning of the exam or before the exam helps. Caffinee is supposed to help with memory retrieval. Maybe some soda may work too. Just make sure not to drink too much if you usually do not drink coffee have a small cup because one of those 20oz. or that starbucks double shot stuff may be too much caffinee and you could start to become nervous which could make you worse off than before.
no drugs will help remember. sleep regular schedule, study, eat healthy, study. day of exam get plenty of sleep before and eat fruit and whole wheat breakfast in morning.
I find that it helps my memory if I drink a small amount before studying. (e.g. one can of beer or one small glass of vodka)
But if you overdo this, it can easily have the adverse effect, so keep it small and in moderation!
Ikeep getting realy dehidratded.i dont know why. i keepdrinking water but it makes me want more what can i do?
Ikeep getting realy dehidratded.i dont know why. i keepdrinking water but it makes me want more what can i do?
You need to see your doctor right away. Constant thirst is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
You would be well-advised to get screened for diabetes.
Might be good to check with your doctor you could be diabetic or something else. I would have your health checked to be safe.
got othe doctors and get tested for diabetes.
yep me too, and I know I am not diabetic, not sure why I get so thirsty and could wee for britain... If you get it sorted, please come back and tell me!
You need to see your doctor.
The thirst could be a symptom of diabetes
you should drink more but you must see your doctor in case you have diabetes
Ihave tried counting sheep to help me sleep but there are so many of the damned things that i have lost count?
and counted some twice.Does it matterIhave tried counting sheep to help me sleep but there are so many of the damned things that i have lost count?
Maybe you should count something that moves slower so you won't have to count so many!! Try counting turtles....
try giving them all names or count backwards whichever floats your boat, or start on the cows
What number did you get up to? I have the same problem .... :-)
Forget about counting sheep , go downstairs and have a hot cup of drinking chocolate and after half an hour go back to bed and you be out like a light.
get a loud ticking clock and count the ticks it works for me and i find it very relaxing aswell.
count how many women you have slept with,that shouldnt take long.
Count their legs and divide by four every so often.
If you've had ICL - Implantable Collamer Lens, what side effects or complications did you experience?
ICL is implanting a lens over your eyes natural lens. I'm not a candidate for Lasik, so I'm looking into ICL for vision correction.If you've had ICL - Implantable Collamer Lens, what side effects or complications did you experience?
I had the ICL procedure exacly 7 days ago, and so far everything is okay. My doctor is very meticulous, so I've had no infections, no halos nor dry eyes. My vision was normal within four days.
They've not been doing this for very long and don't know the long term side effects, I haven't had it done, but researched it a couple years ago. I think it is uncertain how bad the halos will be until its been done.
If your parents/siblings blood group are AB and A, can your blood group be O?
If i had met an accident that requires blood transfusion, could it be possible that a large influx of O group blood change my blood group?If your parents/siblings blood group are AB and A, can your blood group be O?
A large influx of O blood would NOT change your blood type. However, if your sibling are AB and A, you can be blood type O. One of your parents would have to be type A and the other type B. You could not have type O blood if your parents were type AB and type A. I've included a link to a site that explains how you figure this stuff out.
you can't have o if your parents are a and b
No, you cant
Blood group, is a permanent genetic trait, determined by our genes, and its a permanent characteristic that does NOT change in a lifetime (like the color of the eyes, color of skin, etcetera)
No matter how much of group "O" blood transfusion you have had, You CAN NOT change your blood type, you see.your blood is produced in your bone marrow, and the genetic code will not change by external factors.in other words, your DNA will not change no matter what (surgery, trauma, transfusion etc)
You see blood types work this way to be AB you must have both the A and B geneotype. To be A you can either have (AA) or (Ai) geneotype and to be B you can have the (BB) or (Bi) geneotype and to be O you have to have an (ii) geneotype. To put it simply you get one letter from each parent. So if your parents are both either A or B then yes you can if they both have the geneotypes (Ai) or (Bi) and they both give you the letter (i) but since AB can only be made with the geneotype (AB) then if one of your parents is (AB) then you can't get the letter i from that parent and thus cannot be type O. I hope that helps.
If your in a room with people smoking weed will you fail a drug test if you took it like weeks later?
If your in a room with people smoking weed will you fail a drug test if you took it like weeks later?
No, the levels of THC <what a drug test looks for> you need to have in your system to fail a drug test cannot be absorbed thru second hand contact. If you were in a closed up car where the smoke was so thick you couldnt see thru it for an extended amount of time you could possibly get enough to fail a drug test.
THC only stays in the system for about 30 days anyways, and that is for chronic users. For someone who smoked once in a great while >less than once every two months< they could pass a drug test in a week.
The best way to know if you have THC in your system from second hand smoke is this... if you got a contact high, then the THC was absorbed into your blood and you have it in your system. Hope this helped
if you didnt smoke it, then you wont.
Although you may not experiance intoxication from the smoke, your urine will test positive for marijuana. However furthur testing can diffentiate whether the quanity was from second hand smoke or direct inhalation.
Well,it all depends on what kind of drug test you get. The test are made to detect certain amounts of THC, and some places like the army or navy have a zero tolerance level.That means that if there is the slightest trace you will fail. Other places,like for a factory or small company will give more lienency and in your case you will most likely pass. However if they send you to a hospital or the pathology lab beware, they administer strict tests.Drink lots of water and best of luck. Hope this helps
If your health insurance ask you if you are covered by medicare, what does it mean?
If your health insurance ask you if you are covered by medicare, what does it mean?
They might be trying to determine if they are your primary or seconday insurance coverage. Don't sweat it just answer them honestly.
They're looking to see if you've got the insurance that people over 65 years old are eligible for. I assume that your answer is "no".
it means that your health insurance will only pay for your health coverage after deducting your medicare
If your head gets hit by something, will you become stupid?
Just to let you know, I am a paranoid person. I've been known as sort of a nerd, yet sports-fanatic. Recently, a high-jump bar came into contact with my head. The hit hurt, and I began to grow a massive knot. I am curious... will I lose my knowledge? Please help.If your head gets hit by something, will you become stupid?
No U won't. My dad use to tell me the sign of a smart man is the number of knots on his head. So long as U don't have a head trauma U don't have anything to worry about. Not from this incident. Has the knot turned blue & has it gone down? I've been knocked out, stitches in the head, in comas & I don't think that I've lost much from those experiences. I sure got smarter, I learned not to do that again. I hope this helps put Ur mind at ease, it's not worth worrying about. U'll be fine with no loss. Good luck on the high jumping.
No of course u wont,, unless u get brain damage .. you can go to your mom and talk to her about it , but no need to worry u will not lose ur knowledge :)
If your girlfriend has a cold or the flu, can you catch it from her just by having sex?
I know that a cold or flu can be transferred from any exchange of saliva, but can it be also transferred by having unprotected sex.? If you do have to wait, how many days should you wait for intercourse after the first symptoms?If your girlfriend has a cold or the flu, can you catch it from her just by having sex?
The very air she expels, has the cold virus in it, as well as her hands and any other part of her body that she touched ... after stifling a cough or sneeze. The only way to avoid catching her cold is to stay away from her, for the duration of her cold. Sorry, no nookie for you! :(
it is not sexually transmitted but if you are that close you are bound to catch it anyway. I doubt she would be in the mood anyhow if she is sick
You can catch it from just being in the same room.
damn dude you don't have enough respect for your girl to let her get well.
well. i think your partner would be too tired to do it. it's not a good idea. when you're sick, level of activity decreases. Wait until she feels better.
If your dream job is to be a doctor...?
Why this is your dream job?If your dream job is to be a doctor...?
i wants to b a doctor b'coz i wants to help others.
That isn't my dream job but surely if it was it would be because I'd want to help people?
Well, I think it would be interesting. The body is very interesting and fascinating. There are so many jobs open in the field and they will always need doctors. Also, the money isn't too bad. But the classes are very hard, and can easily make you not want to be a doctor.
can help lotsa pple
nice white robe "/
If you work in the pharmacy or have access to pharmacy have you tooken drugs home?
If you work in the pharmacy or have access to pharmacy have you tooken drugs home?
"Tooken"? You don't need any more drugs, buddy.
no cuz im not geting busted for that my record dont need drugs and theft
Yeah, my friend, once a pharmacist tech., stole drugs. He got four years in the pen plus probation. shame shame
How about breaking the law. you can go to jail for stealing, and also for having prescription drugs with out a script, and I', sure there is a camera in the Pharm, so be prepared to lose your job, and failing to get any jobs in the health field due to your Criminal background check when you get caught...
If you were told you were going to be blind in 6 months, how would you handle it?
If you were told you were going to be blind in 6 months, how would you handle it?
not well, though that could be in my future since my mom is due to go blind before she's 60, and she's already legally blind. i rely so much on sight and i relish so much in beautiful things, nature, cities, people, everything.. i'd definately have out at a charge card and see everything i've ever wanted to see before i wouldn't be able to ever again. i hope this isn't happening to you and it's hypothetical though :\
Hopefully this is just hypothetical, cuz I would probably kill myself AFTER I went blind. But before I went blind, I would go everywhere that I ever dreamed about going and see everything that I ever wanted to see, cuz I would know that was my last chance to see.
learn to live life in it;s fullness
If you were to die in the next 10 minutes?
what would you do? Also could you say that you were going to go to heaven?Would you be scared?If you were to die in the next 10 minutes?
Yes I believe I would go to heaven.
If I knew I were fixen to go tho I'd want all my family and friends rite with me. And yes I probily would be scared cause I wouldnt want to leave my family and friends but I would know there are better things on the other side and I would see them again in heaven someday.
no i wont be scared going to heavon
I would pray to my Lord asking him to keep an eye on my family for me=yes Jesus died for my sins and I will be so happy to be with him and praise him for giving me eternal life as a gift ,just for the asking =i 'm not afraid of dying just the WAY
I guess I would just accept that it is my time. As long as I have lived my life to the fullest I should be able to go knowing I left nothing unsaid or undone.
well first i would tell my family i love them all very much! then i would ask god too forgive me for my sins!! then i would lay down and try and go peacefully!
I got shot in the leg one time and i was very scared i thought i would die because the bullet was very hard to get out in surgery. I also was thinking the whole time if i was going to die. if i was going to heaven of hell. if i was going to be gone out of my husbands life or who will take care of my kids i had allot of questions on my mind and didn't know what to do but i got threw it.
first i would thank everyone who has been in my life... and ask for god to forgive my sins and ask god to watch over all my loved ones... yes :)
If you were on the dark side what would you do to get out of it?
I have a lot of thing going on and need some good advice serious thanks and do not say get help or something just ideas to helpIf you were on the dark side what would you do to get out of it?
what sort of things good advice comes from the person who knows what is going on so if you want to talk you can e-mail me
Get help.
You haven't given us enough information to make any suggestions. What's going on with you that you need help with? Etc...
I guess I would talk to a pastor or my parents...it all depends.
Ask God (THE LIGHT) to show you and help you. Be sincere.
just say no. if someone offers you a smoke, drink, anything that is bad for your body or mind, just tell them no. it really isnt as hard as everyone makes it out to be. if your afraid of losing friends because you dont want to ruin you life, then maybe they arnt the best friends to begin with.
you need to build self esteem, and it is a long process, but it is possible. just learn to accept what you have, who you are, because it wont change.
instead of gettin high or drunk or w/e, find a way to enjoy your time where you dont need to be arround people to have fun. example:painting, dancing, hiking, running, cooking.. the world is your oyster, why f#ck it up with a bottle of vodka and weed?
set a goal then acomplish it, and you will feel proud of yourself.
learn to love yourself, and learn to have fun with yourself and not care what others think of you.
good luck! hope that helped!
definitly no one wud like to stay in da dark side.we hav go tbrains n so we n everyone wud get outta it ,anyhow ....yuh remembr Survival Of The fittest... *smiles*
Try seeking God. Open the Bible and read the living word
If you were blinfolded and asked to just with your hands feel two buttocks ...?
one male and another female, will you be able to identify which is the male bum and which is the female bum?If you were blinfolded and asked to just with your hands feel two buttocks ...?
depends on the people but women usualy have a more rounder butt
I'd say no. 50/50 chance I am gonna pick the guy...and feel him up.
I would say that the chances are better than 50/50 if they are in shape, if they are not, a fat @$$ is just a fat @$$
i think i can tell from a women's smooth buttocks and a guys hairy buttocks.
Ummmm......yeah, I think I would. Where do you people come up with these questions??
If you use corn removers from the drug store will they cause scaring?
I wore heels to a party and danced in them all night.now i have a corn...omg.plz any help especially from experienceIf you use corn removers from the drug store will they cause scaring?
I have used them. They take a while, but eventually work if you are consistent with applying them. No, they will not leave a scar.
get those pad ones at the drugstore and wear one on the corn =it should do its job on the corn
If you think a child may have been hurt sexually, who are best experts in U.S. to find out if it's true??
Odd behavior for a three year old boy to display while in the bathtub with his baby brother... Spent a lot of time with a family member and that family member is not the only one i'm suspicious of.. That person also spent a lot of time with my child around a man whom i know that i can't trust.... I need the best experts in this field, because my three year old is hard to reach and i don't want to ask him myself because i know how that holds up in a court of law. they poke holes all through it. i want someone else to beat around the bush and find the answers that i need...If you think a child may have been hurt sexually, who are best experts in U.S. to find out if it's true??
Please don't let your child be alone with a man again.
I would share your concerns with his pediatrician or social services right away. I feel that it is important that he is recorded when he is questioned.
Get in touch with your Social Services - our police have a special division that deals with this particular crime and they are well trained in the matters - please do not delay.
Take him to a hospital where he can be examined and they have specialists who can deal with it. They will also report it to the police if they suspect abuse. I'm glad you are seeking help. No matter how uncomfortable you may feel if you think you may be wrong, it is nothing compared to the suffering that child will go through for the rest of his life if you are right and do nothing about it.
Call the police!! Get him some help quick!
The cops. They are going to be your best mode of getting to the bottom of this. Law enforcement has access to all the resources available, and if you are serious, they will have the right and means of investigating all the facts. Good luck! You are smart to be looking into this.
If you smoke marijuana every once in a while, are you still able to donate blood?
If you smoke marijuana every once in a while, are you still able to donate blood?
r u admitting to smoking marjiauna? naughty nuaghty..jk i dont know
i looked into that, i'm a fricken super duper pothead, and i wanted to donate blood. yes its safe.
You know, I've never thought about it, but, it's not one of the questions they ask you to make sure that your blood is okay. THC stays in the fatty tissues, which is one of the reasons hair and urine tests detect the use of pot.
Probably you shouldn't though, because... THC is a foreign substance that shouldn't get transferred to someone who has lost blood (and needs a transfusion)
now in my opinion, if your gonna donate blood thats wonderful, but if your gonna smoke weed, which is no problem in my book,then maybe its time to decide which is more important to you, but as far as the medical do's and dont's, I would have to say its not recommended, especially if your on probation.might make your probation officer alittle ticked.lol
If you shave pubic hair will it grow back thicker and longer?
If you shave pubic hair will it grow back thicker and longer?
No, shaving any part of your body does not make the hair thicker or longer, contrary to the old wive's tale. It just looks thicker because the shaft of hair regrowing is new, healthier, and has a blunt end from being cut. The number of pores and hair follicles as well as the color of the hair are genetically determined and cannot be altered without procedures like transplants or electrolysis.
yeah. what guy likes pubs though? eww.
No. but it sure does itch as it grows back.
If you only fast for 10 hours before a blood test you are suppose to fast for 12 hours, will that be a problem
my husband is having a chlorestol test at 845 tomorrow morning. We forgot about it until about 10:15 tonite. He is suppose to fast for 12 hours. If he goes in the fasting would only be about 10 1/2 hours. Will this be a problem? Will the test be inaccurate?If you only fast for 10 hours before a blood test you are suppose to fast for 12 hours, will that be a problem
Probably not most of the time they do like you to fast for 12 but alot of the time 10 to 12 is good. As long as he dosen't hane anything in the morning except water he should be fine, just let the doctor or lab tech know that you forgot and what time he last ate and what he had and they'll make that choice. But he should be fine.
Probably not but you need to tell the doctor. That way they can "interpret" the results more accurately. Otherwise, you may (or may not) get any medication you may need!
If you masterbate, will you still be a virgin by then?
If you masterbate, will you still be a virgin by then?
Yes U R still a virgin. You lose Ur virginity once U have had sexual intercourse. Masturbating not the same thing. I took part of the meaning from the dictionary & it's posted below copulated being the key word.
4 a : a person who has not had sexual intercourse b : a person who is inexperienced in a usually specified sphere of activity <a virgin in politics>
5 : a female animal that has never copulated
I hope this helps U find Ur answer.
Virginity isn't a physical thing. That's just like asking if a girl uses a tampon is she not a virgin anymore. Of course not! Losing your virginity to most people means the first time you have sex, it's not something like losing a tooth where you know it happened because of something physical. And everyone has different definitions, if you consider masturbating something that qualifies one to lose your virginity then you have. Some people say you lose it from either oral, anal, or intercourse, some say it's only intercourse. Just differing opinions.
I personally say it's the three I listed there.
If you let a fart in your sleep, and no one is awake to hear it, does it make a sound?
If you let a fart in your sleep, and no one is awake to hear it, does it make a sound?
The better question would be if there is no one there to smell it does it still make a smell?
very metaphysical.
"if a tree falls in the forest..."
No but I'm sure it will still leave a smell!
Trees in a forest...farts in the bed...what's the difference?
If you hit someone over the head with a phonebook. WIll it leave a mark?
If you hit someone over the head with a phonebook. WIll it leave a mark?
depends on how hard you hit them with it...
it may cause a broken neck, but it shouldnt show
It won't leave a mark, but it will make you're head ring.
Nope too soft, try a frying pan... now that'll leave a mark.
If you have x-ray vision, and you can see through anything, wouldn't you see through everything and...?
actually see nothing?If you have x-ray vision, and you can see through anything, wouldn't you see through everything and...?
Ever see an x-ray of your foot or hand ? You can see bones, right ? Well if you wore x-ray glasses or had x-ray vision, when you tried to perve on people and see what they have under their clothes.. all you would see is their bones.
Kind of defeats the purpose, eh?
And if you had the kind of x-ray vision that you're talking about, you wouldn't want to try and walk around. You would be walking into walls, off bridges and all kinds of strange stuff, because you couldn't see a darn thing.
I dont care
not if u could adjust the power intensity
The old movie "The man with X-ray eyes" starring Ray Milland explains all.
All I can say is - thank goodness this problem has occurred to someone else! That Superman is full of crap.
X ray cannot penetrate everything. Think about how it works in a medical lab. Its x ray but it is not able to pass through bone.
x-ray vision is looking through the outside covering into the inside to see what is there as in looking through a box with the top, or someones clothes without removing them
well just as tonester said if u adjusted it, but then again if u werent careful you could find yourself wandering into cars, which is quite a health risk, also you would probally give some people cancer after a while, and probally yourself, as you would be a source of radation and to be able to see through something you would need to be projecting radioation towards it
If you have had a bleed on the brain how long befoe you can fly?
had a knock to the head had a scan and said there was a bleed to the frontal of the brain can u flyIf you have had a bleed on the brain how long befoe you can fly?
You should be asking your doctor this. He knows the size, location and gravity of the bleed as well as your medical condition on the whole. You shouldn't play with your life and ask a buch of complete strangers!
only if your arms can flap fast
depends on whether your a pigion or a parrot, crows tend to take longer
There are different types of bleeds on the brain. Depending on the cause. Do you mean within the frontal lobe? Was your bleed operated on? Did it occur due to trauma, or was it spontaneous? Was there any air or "pneumocranium" after your operation? The answer to your question depends on what type of flying you are doing as well. Commercial airline travel following an unoperated aneurysm rupture, in the absence of trauma: around 1 - 2 weeks. Testing fighter jets following a surgical intervention: much, much longer. You must see your doctor.
Why... does it make wings grow??
If you have an enlarged spleen...?
is it bad to drink alcohol?If you have an enlarged spleen...?
it sure is and watch your sugar intake too
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
If you have a SORE THROAT, and ATE ICE CREAM?...do u think it will make u more sick ?
and hurt your throat even more??If you have a SORE THROAT, and ATE ICE CREAM?...do u think it will make u more sick ?
It won't make you more sick. But the dairy in icecream creates more mucus (phlegm). Try sucking on ice chips or popsicles.
I actually think that it would make your throat better because it moistens your throat and makes it colder.
Yes, cool item will increase throat infection. More details available at http://ailments.in/sorethroat.html...
If you have 1 bong wiv a lil bit of weed in 1st time ever how long wud it take 2 get out your body??
If you have 1 bong wiv a lil bit of weed in 1st time ever how long wud it take 2 get out your body??
It has a half life of 20 hours metabolites can be detected for 5-10 days, complete elimination can take up to one month!
About 30 days, if you need it to be sooner drink lots of water and it may be out of your system faster.
28 days
1 month
If you had to chose between being able to walk or being able to talk, which would you pick?
If you had to chose between being able to walk or being able to talk, which would you pick?
I would pick walk because there are tons of other ways to communicate without speech and the thought of having to rely on someone or some machine to walk is not appealing to me.
definately have to be able to talk. if you dont have a voice in the world then what do you have.
walk. that is an easy choice.
Id hate to chose but I would chose being able to talk. As I am a girl and love to gossip and talk ! Plus you could still go around in a wheelchair, so its mostly all thumbs up!
Seriously I cant live without talking !
i would want to walk, i love to travel, i'll find other ways to communcate with the outside world
i want to be able to walk. so many problems comes with not being able to walk. u could always talk through sign language. hopefully ill never have to deal with either of them.
I'd choose the ability to talk. I could always get one of those little-old-people scooters to ride around everywhere. I'm a wordy person..I couldn't LIVE without talking!
I'd want to be able to walk...there are so many other ways to communicate. Speaking can become obsolete, but nothing can really replace walking.
talk. voice ur feelings! i feel so bad for those who cant do either. but the ones who cant talk cant even hear their own voice! so sad!
Walk for sure. As long as I could communicate with writing or other means. Look at Stephen Hawking, he can't do either, but it doesn't seem to have slowed him down much.
i would have to be able to talk!
Being able to talk.
If you had the choice of being normal or being who you are and thought not to be, you would choose which?
If you had the choice of being normal or being who you are and thought not to be, you would choose which?
who is "normal"? who decides who is "normal"..? Normal is a state of mind, not an appearance... I am NORMAL, but I'm different.I have a deformity... that doesn't make me ABNORMAL, it makes me just DIFFERENT. Ok but if I had a choice, I'd still want to be me. Who else COULD I be... I have never been anyone else and only know how to BE me... maybe I'd like to be pretty and not different, but INSIDE I'd still want to be me---I'd want to have MY thoughts and MY feelings and act like ME .maybe in my next life---IF there is one.
I would rather be normal - I have Bipolar Syndrom and I hallucinate. I am completely disabled. I have other problems that are more serious and personal
Well I am not considered to be normal, I am Legally blind. Yes some days its hard, but I would not change anything about my life. I thank God for my life every day. I am happy.