Saturday, October 23, 2010

If you think a child may have been hurt sexually, who are best experts in U.S. to find out if it's true??

Odd behavior for a three year old boy to display while in the bathtub with his baby brother... Spent a lot of time with a family member and that family member is not the only one i'm suspicious of.. That person also spent a lot of time with my child around a man whom i know that i can't trust.... I need the best experts in this field, because my three year old is hard to reach and i don't want to ask him myself because i know how that holds up in a court of law. they poke holes all through it. i want someone else to beat around the bush and find the answers that i need...If you think a child may have been hurt sexually, who are best experts in U.S. to find out if it's true??
Please don't let your child be alone with a man again.
I would share your concerns with his pediatrician or social services right away. I feel that it is important that he is recorded when he is questioned.
Get in touch with your Social Services - our police have a special division that deals with this particular crime and they are well trained in the matters - please do not delay.
Take him to a hospital where he can be examined and they have specialists who can deal with it. They will also report it to the police if they suspect abuse. I'm glad you are seeking help. No matter how uncomfortable you may feel if you think you may be wrong, it is nothing compared to the suffering that child will go through for the rest of his life if you are right and do nothing about it.
Call the police!! Get him some help quick!
The cops. They are going to be your best mode of getting to the bottom of this. Law enforcement has access to all the resources available, and if you are serious, they will have the right and means of investigating all the facts. Good luck! You are smart to be looking into this.

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