Sunday, October 17, 2010

I want to have my tonsils removed...?

Okay - don't laugh. But I hate my tonsils...they are always trapping those little tonsiliths in them and I can feel them swelling up. My tonsils are extremely pitted and it grosses me out. Do I have to have chronis strep or tonsilitis before a doctor would recommend me for surgery or can I just ask him if I can get them removed?I want to have my tonsils removed...?
No doctor will remove your tonsills unless you stay sick a whole lot with the same illness like tonsilitis,upper respitory infections and so on and it is medically needed.You can see an ear nose and throat specialist for that concern.Age is not a restriction My husband is 34 and has had his out last year.
you can just get them removed. Just tell the doctor about all of the pain, and he will go through with it (thats what happened to me).
p.s.-have fun w/ all the free icecream!!
Hold still I'll get them, I said hold still, if you are going to keep wiggilng I can't grab them, I got em I got em oh no I said hold still. never mind can't do it you won't hold still.
The Dr. has to have a medically indicated reason to remove them or your insurance company will not pay for the operation. However you may find a "quack" out there that will do anything for a buck and make up A reason to remove them. But then would you want him to operate on them. My daughter age 11 had 12 confirmed strep throats in a year ad the ins. company wouldn't authorize surgery.
You can ask but they don't like to take them out unless it is necessary. Age is
also a restriction.

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