Sunday, October 17, 2010

I was just wondering?

ok so me and my boyfriend like it rough in bed. well to get me into the mood faster, he lets me play with his testes.
about a month ago I seen something that had a guy getting hit in the testes,and it turned me on. so after that I started hitting him in the nuts, not to be mean. Just for foreplay I guess, he likes it cause he said I looked sexy, and he likes it when I hit him harder.
I was wondering are there any good moves I can do? I love do knee him, sometimes stomp them. and I just want to make it more intresting. I guess its kind of a mean fetish but he enjoys it and so do I.
how many men or women, please be serious, enjoy the same thing?I was just wondering?
You might want to find another outlet for your masochistic needs, you may end up damaging your boyfriends testicles. To answer your other question I personally cannot fathom allowing a lover to pummel that region, but then again I'm not turned on by pain.
tie them up with rope, you know, wrap it around and around and around until the look like brains, then hit them
oh, here is something else, tie a slip knot, put it around his sack get him on all fours and pull them back behind him. he will be instantly, *ehem* erect, no matter what, then just let you imagination take over.

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